What is the Most Precious Treasure for a family ? A Story

Three Sons Distressing News Rituals and Ceremonies Elder Son Sense of Belonging Mother's Belongings Silver Jewelry Exquisite Watch Special Affection Precious Items Middle Son Youngest Daughter-in-law Priceless Treasure Fulfilling Mother's Wish Emotional Moment Tears of Love

Ashok and his wife were spending their retired life happily together. Their three sons lived in different cities with their respective families, away from them.

However, Ashok had a tradition. Every Diwali, all three sons with their families would come to visit him. During that one week, they would have a blast, and nobody could even guess what was going on.

One day, something unfortunate happened. Sheila, Ashok's wife, suffered a heart attack. Suddenly, all their happiness vanished in an instant. The heart attack shattered all their joys and blessings.

Upon receiving the distressing news, all three sons rushed back home. After completing all the rituals and ceremonies, they gathered together in the evening.

The eldest daughter-in-law spoke up, "Father, how will you manage to stay alone here now? Come with us."

"No, daughter-in-law, let me stay here. I feel a sense of belonging here, in the homes of my children," replied Ashok gently, his voice trailing off.

The eldest son was about to say something, but he gestured with his hand to remain silent.

"Children, your mother has left us forever. She had some belongings; you can distribute them amongst yourselves. I won't be able to take care of them anymore," Ashok said while retrieving something from the cupboard.

In a velvet pouch, there were some beautifully adorned silver pieces, and there was an exquisite old watch with a golden strap.

All were eager to get their hands on these precious items.

The younger son enthusiastically said, "Oh, this watch, Mom always wanted to give it to Meera."

Ashok gently replied, "And I have already divided everything among you equally. She had a special affection for these two items. Occasionally, she would take them out with great fondness, but now how do I divide them among you three?"

Everyone looked at each other in surprise.

Then the middle son hesitated and said, "Meera used to talk about giving this jewelry to Radha."

But the problem still remained. Now Ashok was contemplating in his mind, "What should I give to Nandini?"

Understanding his thoughts, Nandini, the youngest daughter-in-law, spoke with a smile, "Babuji, you have something else that is priceless, and Mom always wanted to give it to me."

Everyone's mouths remained open in surprise and bewilderment. Now, which precious treasure would be unveiled?

Both daughters-in-law were quite puzzled. Which invaluable box would be opened now?

Then, with a smile, Nandini said, "You are the most precious treasure, Babuji. Ammaji always told me, 'After me, you take care of your father-in-law.' So now, fulfill her wish and come with us without delay."

Upon hearing this, tears welled up in Ashok's eyes, and the eyes of everyone present were moist as well. 

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