Buddhist Monk Protests Against Nuclear Weapons at G7 Media Center in Hiroshima

Toyoshige Sekiguchi, a Buddhist monk from Japan, took a stand outside the G7 International Media Center in Hiroshima on Friday to express his protest against the use of nuclear weapons. Holding a placard urging world leaders to refrain from such weapons, Sekiguchi voiced his concerns. Speaking to ANI, he introduced himself as Toyoshige Sekiguchi from Japan, and shared his purpose: to pray for peace and advocate for the abolition of nuclear weapons.

Reflecting on the tragedy that befell Hiroshima, Sekiguchi highlighted the devastating consequences of the atomic bomb dropped on the city on August 6, 1945. He expressed a deep aversion to any similar tragedy occurring in other parts of the world. To amplify his cause, Sekiguchi expressed his intention to attend the G20 summit in New Delhi, where he will call for the global abolition of nuclear weapons.

Through his peaceful protest, Toyoshige Sekiguchi seeks to raise awareness and promote a world free from the threat of nuclear warfare. 

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