Understanding Ease and Life's Essence

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Understanding Ease and Life's Essence

Life is a constant flow of experiences and emotions. However, many people do not know what it means to be at ease. Just like a dog that is completely relaxed after a satisfying meal, humans also need to understand the essence of ease. Without this understanding, people often experience various diseases and discomforts.

The Essence of Salt

Salt can be used as a metaphor to describe the state of ease. Just like the essence of salt, ease can only be experienced when it merges with something. If salt sticks out, it is considered bad. Similarly, when people stick out in life, they often feel uneasy and disconnected.

Living with the Dead

Most people on this planet live with the deadness of their past. Their personality is shaped by their ideas, emotions, opinions, and prejudices. They are constantly investing in their memories, which are essentially dead. This constant attachment to the past creates a jumpy and restless condition in their lives.

Living in the Present

To experience true ease and restfulness, it is important to let go of the deadness of the past. By wiping out all levels of memory, including the mind and body, one can live in the present moment as a piece of life itself. This allows for a deeper connection with the whole existence.

Don't Give Your Problems too Many Names

Often, people give their problems too many names and decorate them, which prevent them from finding solutions. The key is to understand that the body and mind are not taking instructions from you. By accepting this fact and finding access to the "keyboard" of your being, you can start typing out what you truly want in life.

Embracing the State of Ease

Once you have access to the keyboard of your being, you can embrace the state of ease and allow what you want to happen in your life. This requires letting go of the attachment to the past and living in the present moment. By doing so, you can experience a sense of flow and harmony with the world around you.

Remember, ease is not something that needs to be acquired or achieved. It is already within you, waiting to be tapped into. Embrace the essence of life and let go of the deadness of the past to experience true ease and fulfilment.

Why would somebody want to manage stress? I could get it for some time, then I realize people have made a conclusion that stress is an extra limb that they have in their body. Stress is an appendage that they cannot get rid of. It is not a part of you. Who gets stressful? Because you do not know how to handle your mind. No attention has been paid as to how to handle this mind, how to handle this emotion, how to handle this body, how to handle these energies. Nothing has been done about it. You're managing such a sophisticated system accidentally, so you're being stressful. It's a natural outcome of such unconscious living. There is no other way to be. In each person, it may be different kind. One may just change by instruction, another needs light punching, another needs a little more, another needs different kind of people. So whether you need just two days of yoga or two weeks of yoga or two months of yoga or two years of yoga, we can decide that after two days are over. If two days are enough, fine, that's wonderful. If you need more, we must do more. But it is very, very important your body and your mind takes instructions from you, you and you alone and nobody but you.

The term stress management, I could not understand because in my understanding, we manage things which are precious to us. Our families, our businesses, our money, our property, whatever is precious to us. Stress is not because of the work. It's your inability to handle your own systems which makes you stressful. Somewhere, you don't know how to keep your body, mind, and emotions. So how to keep your system free of stress so that morning or evening, you're in the same level of enthusiasm, same level of relaxation, same level of happiness.

Something is an absolutely new dimension which is added to my thinking process. You don't really have to look for your happiness outside. It's just within you. You don't have to really do much. It's just within you. Every human experience has a chemical basis. Towards what you call as peace is one kind of chemistry, anxiety another kind of chemistry, stress other characteristics. The people are not advised to be happy or peaceful but to engineer their chemistry the way they want it. If you establish a chemistry of blissfulness, that's how you will be. Chambavi Mahamudra is a way of activating your energies in such a way that you don't think your job is stressful. If you're a student and you don't find employment when you come out of college, that is stressful. If you get a job this is even more stressful. If you don't get married, that is very stressful. If you get married, I don't want to say anything, marriage means stress. If you don't have children, that is stressful. If you have children, you pull your hair out with stress. Success is happening to you because of your inability to manage your own system. Not knowing how to manage the system is stressfulness.

If you drive your car at 2000 rpm, the engine may last 100,000 kilometers. If you drive the same engine at 5000 rpm, it may last only 50,000 miles or less, simply because it unnecessarily revved up. So if this can do everything that it has to do at an easy pace, that means it is happening efficiently. Any machine which has the least amount of friction within itself happens efficiently, naturally produces more with the least amount of stress.


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